Monday 31 October 2011

Narrative Development

As we are aiming to achieve an deep and meaningful effect with the narrative of our film, to create this effect one aspect we can use is a intelligent and relevant quote within the beginning voice over in the trailer. So I researched some relevant quotes from notable figures from history, some varying in size all based around the idea of urbanisation of the world around us.

"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible."

Albert Einstein

" of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one's own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life into the world of objective perception and thought."

Albert Einstein

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

Albert Einstein

The man whose whole activity is diverted to inner meditation becomes insensible to all his surroundings. If he loves, it is not to give himself, to blend in fecund union with another being, but to meditate on his love. His passions are mere appearances, being sterile. They are dissipated in futile imaginings, producing nothing external to themselves.

Emile Durkheim

"Life is like a game of chess. It's long, boring and I don't really know what I'm doing..."

Kurt Cobain

"I really haven't had that exciting of a life. There are a lot of things I wish I would have done, instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life. So I pretty much like to make it up. I'd rather tell a story about somebody else."

Kurt Cobain

Film Poster Mock Up

this was my first mock up of a film poster.I played around with tag line's and lighting and how the font should look, i also played around with the name spelling and tried to make it mean something other then its original meaning. the 'ance' which trying to show the distance that he has created between the world and him self. the guy is placed in the middle because he in centre foucus and he is the main charecter. he is transparent because this shows that his identity is invisable and slowy fading away. 

i then did another mock up so i decided to make the tag line shorter so that its much easier for the audience to view, i also changed the name back to the original spelling because some people may not understand why it is spelt like that and might mistake it for a spelling error i also made the guy in the middle is very transparent this show that he is a nobody and to back this up the his surrounding is very isolated and deserted.   

Saturday 29 October 2011

Film Magazine Cover Mock Up

This is my 1st mock up of our magazine cover, it takes inspiration from mainstream
published magazines like Empire and Total Film. But I tried to include some different
and interesting qualities to it, making it more individual. As we are not specifically
aiming for an mainstream audience and I think this twist to the typical and over used
appearance of front covers to glossy's would draw in an independent film audience.
As I think this niche audience looks for media products that defy and challenge the
mainstream media conventions. I created this twist by keeping a strict colour scheme
of monotone and orange like colours, I also used a very strong and arty image which
I think is extremely bold and full of character. I also used this image as from our market research it showed that the most memorable cover had a strong close up portrait, so
I tried to replicate this in this mock up. I used the title Total as this word is
generally associated with film but its mainly used to just indicate where the title
would go. I created this cover as if it was based around our film, using large text to indicate
its the 'Awoken Issue' the stand in name of the film we create our trailer around. This also
isn't my image I simply used it to indicate the sort of image I want to create for our actual
magazine cover.

Mock Up Poster

With this mock up I aimed to create the feel from the narrative of the film and introduce the main character. With a extreme close up shot of the characters face, I aim to give an intimate quality between the audience as the main character. So we're already establishing the relationship between him and the audience before the film is even realsed. The cityscape backdrop gives the idea of awarness of the vast and busy world around him, and gives the setting of an urban landscape. This would be an early realease poster maybe realeased up to a year before the realease, only giving a vauge introduction to the film and realease date.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Product Package Analysis - Limitless

I chose to analyze the film Limitless as it is focused on one character, we hope to carry the theme of one character throughout our film trailer. In the film we witness Eddie (Bradley Cooper)aspiring to be a writer who suffers from writing block and as a result he fails to meet his deadline for his new book which he hasn't written. He bumps into his ex-wife's brother and he offers Eddie a sample of a new nootropic NZT 48 which claiming it has the abilty for human to access 100% of their brain power this transforms his life, however Limitless has been crititcised..... However Eddie was in need for more pills and went to go visit Vernon to find him dead in his apartment, he finds Vernons stash of pill and money and uses this to change his life. Eddie becomes rich incredibly fast and employed by a powerful business man Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro).

It was very hard to find a film magazine that had Limitless as a main cover-line, this was because it was rated lower than films that have been featured as the main cover line for example the film Avatar was rated a 5* so therefore Empire had a main cover line. However Limitless has been rated 4* by Empire. Limitless is based on a book The Dark Fields by Leslie Dixon. The genre of Limitless is Action Thriller, however it has been criticised that it doesn't have have certain conventions of a thriller which doesn't attract the audience that it is aimed at.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Location Shots

We researched location via internet as time is valuable we decide not to waste time and used Google map to look at possible locations for filming, we considered tooting as it may link in well with our narrative, as the environment has an atmosphere we wish to capture with in our trailer. Google map allowed us to visualize our trailer and develop our narrative as we could begin to see how things would start to look.

Story Board Mock Up

Animatic Storyboard

Wednesday 19 October 2011


Our film will be aimed for the independent film audience, with the narrative set in an busy cityscape. Where our main character 20 year old Robert is lost in the constantly changing and over whelming urban lifestyle. He finds himself blending into the grey and dull environment around him, and begins to loose hope. Slipping its the abyss that is the repetitive and predictably of western life, and begins to loose the will to live...
Robert wakes up on the 23rd of October, changed forever. He’s not sure why but life is suddenly worth living and excited as if he was born again. Robert sets out to do something with his ordinary life, perceiving the world in a new way he becomes connected to the beauty of the world around him.

Market Research - Focus Grop

 I had put together a small focus group so i could gather some more information on the choose genre so i could see what peoples views were along side the questionnaires. over all the choose genre had a great response and people loved the trailers that were shown to them. 
 These are our name ideas for our trailer so we finally decided on the name ''existence'' because it best fitted our narrative, and we can relate it more to our chareter.  

Plan Of Narrative

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Product Research

From our research we can tell that our target audience will be aimed at teenagers from 17-19 years old  at 54% however 14-15 year old are 33% of our target audience so we may consider making out film certificate a 15 so that we have a wider target audience. 

Through this section from our survey, its obvious that Independent films are more popular with our audience. This possibly represents the frustration from the general public of the repetition of conventions within mainstream films. From this we can see a audience appeal for independent film, and to meet this appeal we will create an independent type film. Which will be easier for us, as we have similar equipment and expertise to an independent film company.

Teenagers spend majority of their time on the Internet and on social networking sites (facebook, twitter). As we are producing a promotional package, we will use social networking sites to promote our film, as most teenagers would rather look on social networking sites than magazines.

Little White Lies is an independent film magazine. The magazine covers have an element of pop art and the actual image almost looks as if it has been sketched this attracts the audience. The general conventions of a mainstream magazine is that they generally the main image is taken from the film. In our magazine cover we will have some elements of pop art as it grabs the audience’s attention

many people liked 'amelie' because of the simplicity of it all and the lighting and the facial expressions of the main character which is very cheeky. the whole structure is what was most popular the messaged was conveyed by the posture and the way the character looked, it looks interesting and because it is simple people can understand the poster more. 'lost in transalation' was the least liked film poster many people say there reasons were that it was very bland and boring and they didn't understand what the film was about.

This question presents that there is a wide variety of music tastes with our audience, but the main two popular genres are Pop and R&B. As these are quite soft and shallow forms of music with usually positive themes to them, so we can assume that possibly a positive theme is something we should include in our narrative and feel to our film promotion package to appeal to our target market.

our target audience prefer to watch Drama, so we will make our genre Drama focused inorder to appeal to a wider audience, we are planning to create a hybride genre using both psychological thriller and drama.

images is what makes a magazine cover so effective because its what draws us in along side the use of colour it helps catch our attention have 3 main colours through out the whole magazine so that the film is not hidden behind the colour,special effects also help attract audience attention but it seems that tag lines and information is not what catches our audiences attention as much as images and colour.

our target audience find that when watching a trailer they are most impressed with the editing and the back ground music to complement the shots. they also find that and introuduction to a charecter can be very exciting and
our target audience is mainly aimed at women because our product research tells us that there is on 27% of males which would be interested compared to 73% so the obvious choice would be to aim in at women.  

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Recraration Of Film poster

This is one of many film posters we have been looking at, we have looked at this and tried to re-create it, which allows us to practice so that when it comes down to creating out film posters we will have expirence in creating one.

This was our interpretation of the film poster, we tried to make it as simular as possisble from the facial expressions, posture and clothing. Overall i think that it was very usefull to create and has allowed me to become more familuare with photoshop. When creating my final film poster it will be much easier as i have more knoledge on the software.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Pursuit of Happyness (Product package analysis)

I choose to analyse The Pursuit of Happyness, because its similar to the theme and effect we wish to create with our work. It is about resolving a struggle following one male character, with spacial awareness of the busy and urban environment/setting.

The main aspects of the trailer include the introduction of the general narrative and presenting Will Smith as the main role (to draw in his fan base). It starts off with a monologue from the main character, giving the audience the background story of the film and theme of a narrative based on a father and son relationship. We introduced to the setting of downtown New York with a series of mid shots, the mid shots allow the audience to get a feel of the relationship with the main characters and surroundings. The general editing of the trailer is slow paced, contrasting to the busy and constantly moving feel to the cityscape setting. The beginning of the trailer starts with slow paced mellow piano based music, suggesting emotional drama within the narrative. Later in the trailer the soundtrack turns to gospel/ soul music which suggest a positive outcome, but a struggle to get too the conclusion. Overall the general feeling to the film is the idea of struggle and a journey, which Is something the audience can possibly relate to and find satisfying in a film.

There is no magazine cover I found that I could analyze in relation to this film, as it wasn't a hugely anticipated or highly reviewed film. But I think the general concept of the film was strong, and it was based on a successful book. The main criticism of the film that it was a little cliche and unrealistic, but it was generally noted that Will Smith's performance and the general story line was good. So this suggests that its important to have a strong main character and storyline, so we will work on this aspect standing out through our magazine cover, poster and trailer.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Product Research

Before finalising what genre we would do for our final media piece we thought that it was neccesary to do general research on; film posters, film magazine covers and trailers, this will give us insight on what genre to pick. As well as this I have come to terms with the media language that is used to make a film poster, this has made me feel more confident in producing a film poster.

Media Plan For October

This is Octobers plan. these are the main things that need to be done and if we finish all then we can go on to do the half term homework. however i doubt that we will, so in the half term we can take our time to finish off out mock ups.

Mainstream and Idependent, Film Magazines

For our survey we need to include sample magazine covers (from a real media product) to gather information as to what our target market find appealing. Empire is a popular film magazine, and they have a useful page on there website with images of the covers from 1989 to present. Link to visit the archive of Empire covers. But Empire generally adversities mainstream films, so it would be useful to look at a independent film magazine epically as we're thinking of aiming more towards in this direction. One independent film magazine is 'Little White Lies' which solely is based on independent films. This also has a useful website in which you can download digital issues of the magazine, so we can access the issues easily. Link to access downloads of Little White Lies issues.

Here are some examples of the covers..