Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Pursuit of Happyness (Product package analysis)

I choose to analyse The Pursuit of Happyness, because its similar to the theme and effect we wish to create with our work. It is about resolving a struggle following one male character, with spacial awareness of the busy and urban environment/setting.

The main aspects of the trailer include the introduction of the general narrative and presenting Will Smith as the main role (to draw in his fan base). It starts off with a monologue from the main character, giving the audience the background story of the film and theme of a narrative based on a father and son relationship. We introduced to the setting of downtown New York with a series of mid shots, the mid shots allow the audience to get a feel of the relationship with the main characters and surroundings. The general editing of the trailer is slow paced, contrasting to the busy and constantly moving feel to the cityscape setting. The beginning of the trailer starts with slow paced mellow piano based music, suggesting emotional drama within the narrative. Later in the trailer the soundtrack turns to gospel/ soul music which suggest a positive outcome, but a struggle to get too the conclusion. Overall the general feeling to the film is the idea of struggle and a journey, which Is something the audience can possibly relate to and find satisfying in a film.

There is no magazine cover I found that I could analyze in relation to this film, as it wasn't a hugely anticipated or highly reviewed film. But I think the general concept of the film was strong, and it was based on a successful book. The main criticism of the film that it was a little cliche and unrealistic, but it was generally noted that Will Smith's performance and the general story line was good. So this suggests that its important to have a strong main character and storyline, so we will work on this aspect standing out through our magazine cover, poster and trailer.

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