Thursday 22 March 2012

Mary Kelly Q4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluating stages.

Mary Kelly - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluating stages

Planning -

The main media technology we used in the planning stage of our product was Blogger for the evaluation and marking of our work, it was a very useful tool to help us plan all our ideas in one space and build a development time line to help us plan for the next step. Another useful aspect was that all of the members of our group were able to contribute and look at each others ideas via their posts, meaning that we were all constantly up to date with the latest developments. Another useful media technology was the program Google Earth, a downloaded software in which we were able to plan our location shots. Using the Street View application which enables you to view roads at grond level. We looked at some location shots and with street view decided whether they were suitable or not. Click Here for a link to previous post on Google Maps. To share physical notes or planning we had done, for example Click Here for previous post where we used an scanner to share our story board. Also for our first questionnaire we used Microsoft Excelle to input information and produce graphs, Click Here to view graphs we produced from this technology. This was a very slow process so we decided to find another media technology that was more efficient. So for our final Questionnaire we used Google Docs a program that allows you to easily create questionnaires, share them, produce spreadsheets from the information and produce graphs with the information. We found this dramatically reduced the duration time of this process, Click Here for previous post on Google Docs.


The main element of media technology we used in the research stage of the creation on our media piece was the internet with the many different services it provides. The most useful part of the internet is that it is very quick and accessible and holds a extremely large amount of information that you possibly wouldn't be able to find if you were searching manually. We used a large amount of websites, collecting information for research, some of these includes The Little White Lies website, the Empire website, the Get Ahead OCR MEDIA website, the BBFC website, the Glossary of Film Terms website and the IMDB website. These were all extremely helpful in the research stage of our production, which we couldn't have done without the use of the internet. Another very useful aspect of the internet was Youtube , which in itself is a very comprehensive and vast video database. This meant we were able to access many trailers and clips of films for the research and development of our own work. All of these aspects meant we could examine real life media products in more detail, which is something that was extremely important in the research stage of this film. For example of usage Click Here for previous post where we were able to use google to research special effects.

Construction -

We used a large range of different media technologies in the Construction stage of our production. For the editing stage we used a simple to use editing software IMovie’11, Click Here for previous post on editing on IMovie. For our soundtrack, we used the program Garageband'11, again, a simple to use software that allows the user to create a piece of music with either recording their own interments or using the pre loaded loops. We used both of these functions when creating our own soundtrack, the recording function to record the voice over and to record a simple melody using the digital piano and adding an synthesizer effect to it, and we used the pre loaded loops to add other aspects such as the drum bass. Click Here for previous post on using the software Garageband. For the shooting of our trailer we used an JVC Everio, a member of our groups camera, this was a much lower quality that the school's HD camera but because of insurance reasons we weren't allow to take these cameras outside school. As this would limit our production we decided to use our own camera so we had more locations to choose from. In the production of our ancillary texts we used the Abode software Photoshop and Illustrator, as I have experience using these softwares, we able to create something that was specific to our vision. We used Photoshop for the creation of the poster because its functions were best suited for this design, I used tools like layers to work in the tube line background. We used Illustrator for the magazine cover, because this application is better suited for working with text and shapes/structure which was needed in the design on the cover. Click Here to see previous post on our production on photoshop and illustrator. Another technology we used for the construction of our ancillary text, was font database DaFont. As photoshop and illustrator had a limited range of fonts, we used this website for a larger range. Click Here for previous post on our use of this website. Another website we used in the construction/promotion of our website was the social networking site Facebook, as we created a facebook fan page to promote the film. Click Here for link to previous post on facebook group.

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