Thursday 22 March 2012

Mary Kelly Q3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Question 3

Mary Kelly - What have you learned from your audience feedback

After deciding what area we wanted to go for with our trailer we did some market research, handing out questionnaires with a selection of questions to help us evaluate what would best suit our audience to help make it profitably and successful, Click Here to see previous post with the results of the questioner. We already decided our film would be an independent film, targeted at this niche audience, so we took into account that some of the answers might not be completely accurate for our specific audience, as the majority of people will be more familiar with mainstream films. Although when we collected in the information it appeared that most people selected independent films as their preferred type opposed to mainstream, so this was a useful aspect to more accurately cater for our audience. One of the questions we asked was how do they find out about films, and the majority of people said they find out about them via social networking. Learning this new information we decided that we would use this idea to promote our film, creating a facebook page (as the leading social networking site). Click Here for link to previous post on facebook page. Another result was that we learnt from the questionnaire that the most preferred music genre was Pop, so creating the soundtrack to the trailer we tried to add Pop like aspects/themes, such as synthetic sliding notes and an upbeat rhythm. We also learnt that the most preferred genres of film were Drama and Psychological Thrillers, and although we didn't want to be completely bound by genre conventions, we added some aspects from each of these.

For this questionnaire we also gave some real media examples of film magazines and film posters and asked which was more memorable and their favorite. The results were that the most memorable magazine cover was an independent film magazine, 'Little White Lies'. So from this, we decided to create an independent film magazine design. But for the film poster, most people chose the mainstream poster designs as their favorite. This information meant we would add mainstream poster influences to the design on our piece. Concerning magazine cover's, we also found out that Imagery was regarded to be an aspect that makes the design most effective, from this we would include an very strong image within the layout.

To understand what aspects of trailers people like fully, we assembled an small focus group along with giving out the questionnaires. This was useful as we were able to obtain information face to face with our audience so that we could learn specifically what we needed to know. Click Here to see previous post on the focus group.

Before the final cut of our trailer, we wanted to learn more from our audience about what the last adjustments we needed to make were. We also wanted to learn more information to decide whether our product has been successful in portraying an independent film rather than a mainstream one. So we created a final questionnaire using an program called 'Google Docs' and easy to use software that helps you create questionnaires and collect the information easily. Click Here to see our questionnaire. From the results of the questionnaire we found that we have succeeded in the sense that we received high rating for the trailer and most people thought our film was aimed for an independent audience. Click Here to see previous post on the results, this information gave us confidence in completing the trailer. Click Here to see previous post on the creation of the Final Questionnaire.

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