Saturday 3 March 2012

Evaluation - Sabrina Fayyaz: Q2 How effective is this combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Due to our film having only one character, this gave the audience a clear indication on the identity of the film. This also helps promote the actor.

Our group decided that we would produce independent media products this meant that in the ‘real world’ we would have a lower budget when it came to distribution. So unlike mainstream media products we wouldn’t have been able to out our film posters on billboards and buses. However we would beable to promote our media products on social networking sites, this would target our target audience but expand worldwide.

As a group we decided when preparing to make our magazine cover that we were going to make our magazine an online magazine, this would reach a wider range of readers, we based the idea of having a magazinesubscription on the independent online magazine; Little White Lies.

We wanted our film poster to have a mainstream feel about it; this would attract the audience and make them want to go see it. Also it would more professional and it would make the audience gain positive thoughts about the film.

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