Saturday 3 March 2012

Evaluation - Sabrina Fayyaz: Q1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media products?

Trailer: Narrative structure: It’s based on one character, he finds it hard to fit in with the urban and modern lifestyle in society, this leads to him drinking which makes his life dull and grey, he spends all day drinking, and doesn’t have a job. However in the trailer the audience witness flashbacks which show Robert in a doctors outfit, this may connote to the audience that maybe Robert has changed his life around…

This is similar to ‘Limitless’as the main character doesn’t have a job and finds it hard to fit in with the busy New York lifestyle. He took a drug which to him makes his life better as he gets a job and has lots of money; however the drugs play with his mind.

Editing/Special effects: We were limited to this particular stage of our production as we only had iMovie to edit on. For the group this was an area of our work where we felt we could have improved. However we were able to alter certain effects, for example we used two separate effects for the two different sections in our trailer to connote Roberts change in his lifestyle. For example we used ‘Heat wave’ to present a positive atmosphere.

Voiceover: In thevoiceover, Robert talks about how his life has changed, and how he was living in an ‘urban sprawl’ it also reveals how all of a sudden he had motivation to change his life and to make his ‘existence worthwhile’.

This is similar to 'Never let me go' this is a general convention in Drama and psychological thrillers so therefore we felt it was necessary to put in.

Types of transitions: We added text slides which quoted from newspapers like ‘The Guardian we chose to do this as The Guardian is popular for its film reviews for both mainstream and independent films.

Soundtrack: Our film trailer featured non diegetic sound as well as a voiceover. We had to create our own music using programmes like garage band instead of using music from copyright free websites so therefore we created a fast paced, dramatic soundtrack this made sure that the audience’s attention was grabbed; also it creates and sense of suspense that keeps the audience wanting more, which results in them going to see it in the cinema.

Mise-en-Scene: Mise en Scene is very important in independent films, we wanted it to be representative of Roberts’s general lifestyle, we chose everyday settings for example the train station to show Robert’s simple lifestyle . The setting of the film trailer is very conventional for a independent film.

This can be linked with Lost In Translation where the director wanted to isolate the main characters from the busy lifestyle of Japan.

Magazine: The name of our magazine is called ‘Click’ we chose this as its short and related to the film industry such as Entertainment and TotalFilm. As we created a independent trailer our magazine cover had to be independent. We had to stick with the general conventions of a magazine cover for example using a masthead, the size and shape of the magazine, this made sure that it was still recognizable as a magazine. However like in our film trailer we wanted to subvert some conventions to make it look like an independent media product. We looked at an online independent film magazines for example we looked at ‘Little White Lies’ the layout of this magazine challenges many conventions of traditional film magazines. The main thought of Little White Lies was to be very simple compared to ‘Empire’ where it’s very busy. So we decided to change some features from our magazine design for example we decided to place the masthead on the bottom this alteration is very simple but has big effect as it might not attract the customers as its not eye level with them. We did use the traditional idea of having one main image as the cover but we did challenge this convention by using an extreme close up whereas most magazine covers use mid or body length shots.

The main idea of mainstream magazines is to make the design stand out by using bold images and text they do it so it attracts the audience. Also Little White Lies is an online magazine, we liked this idea, and wanted to pursue it in our magazine, this is shown as we don’t have a barcode also because of the masthead being at the bottom.

Film Poster: We think that the film poster is more conventional than our other media products, because we had to reach out to a wider audience we felt it was necessary to use more general conventions as it would appeal to a more mainstream audience By using a black background we followed the general convention of a film poster, likewise in our magazine cover we also used asingle image of our main character this shows the audience the main focus of our film.

Our film is a 12 certificate; our film contains themes and behavior which is not suitable for younger viewers, we decided this when reading the BBFC certificate guidelines. We only used the director’s name as we wanted to show that it was a independent film, this is unconventional asmainstream films use actors names to promote their film.

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