Monday 19 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 2: Saima Ahmed - How effective is this combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The purpose of our trailer (Existence), film magazine (Click) and film poster was to promote our film ‘Existence’ to our target audience, which was aimed to a niche audience and had a certificate rating of ‘12’.
            We wanted our ancillary text to persuade people to go and watch the film and inform them with the combination of magazine poster and film poster and our main product our trailer ‘Existence’

When creating our media products we wanted to persuade our target audience to watch our trailer ‘’Existence’ by allowing them to relate to the protagonist, we did this in our trailer ‘Existence’ by showing an aspects of Drama/Philological Thriller genre throughout the story line of how his life was no longer amusing and how he set out to make a change and make a difference to other people by coming a doctor and helping those who are unable to help themselves, we inform our target audience of the story line through a voice over which guides the audience through the narrative providing them with knowledge of what the film ‘Existence’ is all about. The trailer also show the challenges he will incur on his journey which will persuade our target audience to watch the film ‘Existence’. We also added grab quotes from the guardian and our film magazine ‘Click’ linking our media products.
            Our film was aimed at a niche audience however when it came down to our film poster we made it more conventional, to appeal to a more mainstream audience. We had looked at a film called ‘’Eden Lake’’ a British thriller which is aimed at a niche audience however through there film poster they made it more conventional to appeal to a wider audience base. In order to create the same effect we did this by creating a tag line ‘’Turn And Face The Strain’’ which is conventional in a mainstream poster, we also added a certificate rating of ‘12’, and linked the background to our storyline to make it more appealing to our target audience to keep them intrigued. We also inform out target audience of when the film will be released (20-02-2012). However preserving elements of an independent film instead of having the main characters name we decided to place the producer’s name, we also made the poster simple, which is unconventional of mainstream film posters.
            In our film magazine ‘Click’ we made it more conventional of an independent film and aimed at a niche audience, we did this by making the magazine all about our film ‘Existence’ which is conventional of a independent film magazine, we also added quotes from our actor ‘Finlay Mcgow’. In our film magazine ‘Click’ we inform our target audience of a ‘’rising star’’ making the film more interesting and promotes it in a positive way.
            However we were not consistent in continually showing ‘Existence’ in the same way as there are different fonts in all 3 media products, on the other hand as our film is aimed at a niche audience I feel this does not impact negatively on our ability to reinforce the identity of the film ‘Existence’

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