Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Results to Final Questionnaire

After sending out the questionnaire these are the results we able to obtain, put into graphs by google docs. These results show that our products as a whole are successful as they portray generally what we wanted to achieve, as most people rate our trailer 4 or 5 out of 10 and believe that its an independent film.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Final Questionnaire

Before our final cut of our trailer we decided to take an final questionnaire to mainly examine the success of our product, to see if its an obvious as an independent film , the effectiveness of the combination of our main product to the ancillary texts and to see if people think that our film is unique.

For the creation of this questioner we used a software called 'Google Docs', a simple to use and free application to anyone with an google account. This software allows you to easily and quickly create an questionnaire giving you the option to for multiple choice, check boxes, grids and the ability to write own answer. See in image above. We crated a set of non bias questions in a easily understandable language aiming to give the questionnaire to over 12's as that is the age certificate of our film. See our questionnaire bellow.

Another useful function of this application is that it allows you to easily send out the questionnaire, either via sending pre written emails from your google email contacts. See image of this bellow. It also allows you to send out the link of the questioner to anybody, here is the link to our questionnaire. This is very useful as it saves allot of time doing this digitally rather than manually printing them out and having an screening for the trailer.

Another very useful function of this program is the fact that it automatically stores and spreadsheets your results, so there is no wasting time inputting the results manually into an computing. It also automatically puts the results into graphs again cutting the time we would of spent creating the graphs, so the information is in easily an understandable format quickly. This is convenient as we have a limited time to our deadline. See results in future post.

Facebook Group

From our market research we found out that the majority of people find our about films via social networking, (see graph above). So we created an facebook page to promote our film, as this is the leading website for activity for social networking. Mainly to gain support and for people to be able to share it with their friends, accessing a larger audience. Bellow is a screen shot of the group, or Click Here to access the website.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Tagline Research

Within our market research for our tagline, we came across an useful website that displays the 'great film tag lines' from the 1930's to the 2000's, (Click Here for link to website). This was useful for us to examine what makes a successful tagline, and also inspired us to create an individual one for our product.

We decided as we want to subvert conventions, we decided our tagline we would use a quote from a media text as looking through all of the tag lines this was something that we couldn't see existed . So we researched mainly songs that would relate to the theme of our narrative. We decided on David Bowie's - Changes, as we feel like the lyrics relate allot to the narrative of the film.

Font Selection

To find a suitable font for the film poster I explored some free font websites that allowed the user to download multiple fonts. The website I found most usefull was dafont.com it had a large selection of fonts to choose from and an useful selection process to helping you find the most suitable font. It was also easy to use and had simple download instructions.

Film Rating

To legally produce our film we would need to send our film through the British Board of Film Classification, but we were able to work what general certificate we would need so we put this on our poster. The BBFC have a useful page on their website where you can download the guidelines for each age rating and an explanation for each. Click Here to see. So we went through each specification and decided that the 12 certificate would be suit our product. This is because of "Mature themes" and "Imitable behaviour" (quoted from the BBFC guideline document) in which the severity isn't enough for a high age certificate but isn't moderate enough for a lower.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Search For The Tag Line.

We looked at YouTube songs to inspire us to come up with a tag line we looked at ''David Bowie, Change'' and ''Ozzy and Kelly, changes'' from this we came up with a few ideas such as, ''change will make me a better man?'',''Turn and face the straight'', however toward the end we decided upon ''Turn and Face The Strain'' as this reflects on our narratives story line. 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Problems While Filming.

While filming on location, we encountered some issues with filming on the train track so we had to call customer service and notify them that we would be filming and ask for permission. We had called them, once they had given us the go ahead we started filming and got all the shots we needed.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Similar Media Texts

Looking at other media texts in relation to the effect we want to create with our product. I looked at hit American tv drama House, it bares resemblance to our work as its mainly based around a strong lead character. The way its marketed is similar to our trailer, aesthetically and with meaning. Bellow are two posters advertising House, simliar to ours they both use a extreme close up of the character House with him looking into the camera. This is done purposefully to create a sense of intimacy with the audience and to suggest that he is the main character and that the story like will mainly be based around him.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Brainstorm of Magazine title

We wanted a title for our magazine that suggested the theme/subject of the contains. So we found this useful website that has a list of film terms listed from A-Z, this helped our brainstorm and the further decision to choose the title Click which was a term listed. Click Here to for link to website.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Working in Photoshop

These are screen shots demonstrating the production work on our poster and magazine cover from our promotion package on the program photoshop.